Cathy Cash Spellman

New York Times & International Best Selling Author

Life & Death

The Heart That Once Truly Loves Never Forgets

Sunday, April 10th, 2011

When my daughter died, I couldn’t find the strength to say the words aloud.  Passed away, I could manage, as if she still hovered somewhere just outside my reach.  Died was final and irrevocable and I simply could not say the word. The first few weeks after her death were a haze of grief.  A [ Read More ]

Some Things You Never Forget

Saturday, December 4th, 2010

Some things you never forget.  Like the comfort of your father’s hand in yours when you’re small and afraid, or the final ember of light in the eyes of your dying child. Other threads are inextricably woven into the softer fabric of soul. The sensuous, cold satin of summer’s first ice cream on your five [ Read More ]

Life… So far to go in a strange neighborhood

Saturday, December 4th, 2010

Here I sit, teacup in hand, much of the way through a life that was totally unlike my perfectly sensible expectations, hoping to write about what I’ve learned that might be valuable. I think I should tell you right off the bat that I’ve had an incident-prone life.  Events find me, sometimes ravage me, eventually, [ Read More ]

7 Steps to Perfect Happiness? I Don’t Think So…

Saturday, December 4th, 2010

I’m fascinated by the recent proliferation of books that tell you how easy life should be.  All it takes is The Secret 7 Steps to Success, or 12 Steps to Something or Other. We can cure all illness with the proper mindset, we can get rich with affirmations.  Joy is our birthright and all we [ Read More ]

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