Heartfelt Thanks to My Readers
From the minute I learned to read, I could imagine no more thrilling destiny than to grow up to be an author. To this minute, I still feel just that way. So I’d like to thank each and every one of you – the millions of readers who have made such a beautiful dream come true.
A Murder on Jane Street
Cathy’s Latest Novel
Characters you’ll care about, dark, shocking secrets and disturbing similarities to today’s political scene will keep you turning pages to an ending you won’t see coming.

Why Not Stick to One Genre?
People often ask me why I write in more than one genre and timeframe. I think it’s because I see all stories as hinging on human nature.
Whatever time slot they find themselves in, whatever technology or opportunity may be available to them in whatever galaxy they inhabit, my characters (and all of us amazing, fragile, strong, courageous, surprising humans) still need to love, to create families and communities, to ponder why we’re here, to seek for a higher consciousness, to eat and drink and sleep and have sex and struggle with relationships.
Prime Directive
From Cavemen to Interstellar Colonizers and beyond, I believe these Prime Directives will remain the same as long as humanity exists. So, when a story comes to me, it comes replete with its time slot and its characters… then I simply follow wherever it leads.
So far, like life itself, they’ve taken me on one heluva journey.