Cathy Cash Spellman

New York Times & International Best Selling Author

I Meet a 100,000 Year Old Crystal Skull


I Meet the Mitchell-Hedges  Skull and Its Guardians


I’d had a great many adventures with Quartz over the years because of my explorations of many alternative medical modalitites.  Quartz crystals are used in both healing and ceremonial ways by tribal people as well as other  energy healers, so I was well aware of their qi-conductive power.

But my meeting with the famed Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull was quite by accident.  I’d headed for my favorite crystal  shop in Soho after a downtown meeting.  I wanted to see what new crystals might have arrived in the shop’s rarefied inventory and to see a particular piece of Lapis I was crazy about.

The owner had exquisite taste and understanding of the stones’ properties, but his inventory was über-costly so while I often looked, I  couldn’t always take home the crystals I craved there.  A $9000 piece of Lapis Lazuli had lured me like a Lorelai with its astounding and so-ancient, power but  the price tag had deterred me, yet I longed to see it again and had gone out of my way to stop by the shop and was terribly disappointed to see it was closed.


Enlightenment in the Dark!


I was startled to see it was closed and dark even though it was only mid week.  Then, just as I was about to leave, the owner suddenly appeared and said he’d closed the shop to conduct a special viewing of the renowned Mitchell Hedges Crystal Skull.  I knew  nothing about the Skull at that point but was flattered to be invited in and intrigued by the man’s air of reverent mystery when he spoke of this mystical artifact.


                       The Adventure Begins


I entered the darkened shop and was led to a back room where six very serious people sat or knelt around an astonishing object:  a life-sized Crystal Skull, as perfect as if carved by Baccarat, lit from below and glowing with an eerie but dazzling incandescence.  It was emanating a radiant forcefield and was obviously an object of power.  Intuition told me it had been crafted by sophisticated ancients or perhaps by extraterrestrials… it didn’t feel energetically like any quartz I’d worked with and it was activating my chakras in unexpected ways.

I had no idea what to do next, but it was obvious I wasn’t to ask questions in this hushed and reverent gathering, so I just took a place to one side and sat down hoping for instructions.  Suddenly, a channeled voice, quite stern, sounded in my head.  It said, “Not here!  Move to the rear of the skull.”  I was so startled, I did as I’d been told.


The Transmission

The minute I sat down, a series of powerful transmissions began, as if information and visions were being poured into my Crown Chakra at floodwater speed.  In this vision, I saw an inordinately tall extraterrestrial entity in a long white robe holding forth, eons ago, to a group of quite primitive people who used blood sacrifice to contact their gods.  That was a big turn-off!

The entity was speaking and while I could only understand parts of what he said – not sure how – I somehow knew I was witnessing an event that had taken place eons in the past when some kind of intergalactic intervention was happening on our planet.

I got a distinct message that whatever was going on between the skull and me was going to continue no matter how many people were in the room  so I began to meditate and to see things emerge clearly inside the crystal.

The first thing I saw was a teacher figure, an ancient man.  I could feel my chakras being activated in a new way.  The energy started with my solar plexus, then shot up to my crown, then back down to my lower two chakras very much like activating the micro orbit in Qi Gung.  I was energized all over my body and felt very connected to the crystal.

Skull Talk!

There I was, sitting behind the Skull, when all kinds of phenomena started to happen!  First, I was aware of a teacher within the crystal, a very parental teacher, who made it known to me that everything was fine, and I should stop being agitated.  He said a transmission was about to take place between me and the true guardian of the crystal.

In a heartbeat I became aware of an enormous figure standing behind me who was introduced as being the True Guardian of the Crystal Skull, and I was told that the skull is a powerful healing tool for humanity, for the planet, and for individuals – and that I could ask it whatever I wished!


The Akashic Record


I began to feel that something was being pumped into the top of my head, entering the two lobes of my brain, at the top and the top and sides.  And it was really powerful stuff.  I felt like I was being stuffed with knowledge.   I said, “What’s happening?” and  then, as if in answer,  I felt my energy merge with the energy of the crystal so I was inside the crystal in an incredible place that was like a library entirely made of crystal and light!

I was on a sort of spiral staircase, except I’m using words that are earth words here, and there’s nothing on earth quite like what I saw, so it’s not really accurate.

I was on this great spiral of light and was being led upward by an Angelic being who told me this was the angelic library, sometimes called the Akashic Record, and that from this point forward I had the privilege of being able to use that record, and tap into the Angelic library whenever I needed to, and that I could access it by asking for the power of the Crystal Skull to connect me.




I saw a wild reprise of images, some of which  I didn’t really understand.  I was shown  battlefields and I couldn’t tell why,  as  they were in all different time slots.

I’d asked why am I seeing this?  and  was told that I had to be reminded of my own warrior spirit.  Whenever I’m besieged I should remember that I can call on many, many lifetimes as a  warrior; reminded that I know how to repel everything that comes at me but that I have to remember that fact and be aware of my own power.

Before I turned to go I moved to the front of the skull and  looked deeply into its wild eyes.  They are extraordinarily mesmerizing… you feel you could fall into the eyes and just remain there meditating for the rest of your life.

The last vision I received was that of Christ on the Cross, not crucified, but looking rather triumphant, as in Dali’s painting.   The figure lifted from the cross and traveled toward me, imparting knowledge I was told not to reveal until given permission.  Then the Voice I’d heard earlier said definitively, “This transmission is at an end.” and I was abruptly back in ordinary consciousness.

The Keeper

Somewhat dazed and bewildered by all that had happened so swiftly and unexpectedly, I made my way out of the darkened room and found myself face to face with an elderly woman who introduced herself as the owner of the Skull, Anna Mitchell Hedges.

She told me she had been a girl of 16 when her father, an Indiana Jones kind of adventurer/archaeologist who freelanced for the National Geographic Society in London, had taken her on a dig in the Andes, where she had quite literally stumbled upon the skull by stubbing her toe on its mostly buried surface.

Anna asked me what I’d seen and heard from the Skull’s Guardian entity and seemed elated by my recounting of my strange experience.  Others had seen the same image of Christ, she said excitedly.  She believed it meant that the Christed energy was re-entering the world to herald a great change of consciousness for the planet and humanity.

She said her father had been able to converse with the Skull’s Guardian easily, but she could do so only on rare occasions, although she was its designated Keeper and Guardian.

She invited me to visit her in Canada to see if the Skull’s internal Guardian would tell me more.  I never visited her there although we later spoke on the phone, but I learned that many famous people had made pilgrimages to visit her and commune with the Skull – Oprah, Shirley MacLaine, Deepak Chopra among them.



I learned many things from the Skull that day – that I’d been a physician in many lifetimes and so could access healing power when needed, that my job in this lifetime was to tell the truth and help people to learn of esoteric mysteries through my writings.  That I would write seven more books and spend much of the last few years of my life both writing and teaching what I’d been privileged to learn from great teachers both in the body and disembodied!

I’m working on book number five in that countdown,  as I write this!

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